My observations and interests in this film have changed over time.
6 January 2004
First viewed-Aged 10-13 early 1970's

The first time I saw this film it would probably have been the early 1970's when aged around 10-13. At that time its miniturisation and other special effects would have been amzing.

The clean scientific lab, the miniturising of the submarine and lead characters, set the scene for a fanastic voyage.

At that time I did not appreciate the talents of Raquel Welch, nor the requirement to have a resident bad character played by Donald Pleasance. The suspense was created by the time constraints and the growing bacteria.

The scenes showing the scuba-diving in the blood, or lympathetic, system was very impressionable.

Aged about mid 30's in mid 1990's

During the next twenty odd years I would have seen the film 4-5 times. As I better knew the storylines I tended to focus on the characters. Obviously Raquel Welch became the main point of interest wearing a skintight swimsuit. [As an aside Angelina Jolie in the Lara Croft role would have a similar effect].

Although nowadays there are more sophiscated special effects, it nonetheless remains a very good film, with suspense, drama played out by a great cast.

It was very good technically in that it referred to the use of laser techology, something we now take for granted.


If it comes up on TV suggest watch it, especially if you have not seen it for 15-20 years. If like me you first saw it as a young boy I am sure that your focus from that time would have changed.

Good viewing
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