25 November 2002
This movie is a tremendous film that the entire family can enjoy! Women will enjoy the three handsome guys in this movie: 1) Torgo, whose slick passes at females and his snappy double entrendes rival James Bond, 2) The handsome Devil, who has more wives than he knows what to do with, but can always add a couple more (making him perfect for women who like "players"), and 3) Michael, the husband, whose good sense and tremendous desicion making abilities almost outweigh his good looks and charm. Men will enjoy the endless scenes of semi attractive women wrestling for some strange reason. Children will enjoy the daughter's heart-piercing cries for help once her dog is mauled, and the suprise ending when she ends up as one of the devil's wives! A true delight!

And if you can't sense the sarcasm, then you are only half as stupid as the director of this movie, and that is the most vicious insult a person can deliver.

This movie hurt me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was depressed for the rest of the day. What really sucks is, Joel and the 'bots just aren't very funny, either.

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