Matinee Mouse (1966)
A cynical little cartoon with less value that the 'classic clips' deserve
9 September 2004
After yet another round of cat and mouse games, Tom and Jerry decide to knock it on the head and just go and catch a movie together. Easily getting into a screening of Tom & Jerry classic cartoons, they sit and relive the old times together. Or rather, and let me just be cynical here, a very average piece of animation is used to frame a couple of re-runs in order to stretch out a series that had long since passed it best.

For this mix, it is impossible to say there is nothing of value here but it is just hard to enjoy because it is such a cynical and uninspired clips show – nothing more than that. The animation in the 1966 part is poor and it is made to look even weaker when the 'classic' moments come on and look a lot better. To be fair, I suppose the clips might have been funnier than I allowed them to be because I was a little put off by the way they were being used in this way. Certainly the early, original stuff is poor in terms of animation and the material – and the constant cutting back to the cinema setting is unappreciated.

Overall this is a cynical ploy and it is one that it is better to just ignore and avoid. The 'classic clips' are OK but their frame is really poor and it takes away from the better material. A weak and annoying cartoon that I struggled to make it through the 6 minutes it lasted.
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