Review of The Trap

The Trap (1966)
29 September 2001
I first saw this movie when it was released in theaters, 34 years ago. It was the support to something I specifically went to see, but I have long since forgotten what the main feature was. This movie, for some reason, really got to me. As the female star is a deaf mute, there is not a lot of talking in the movie, but the acting is so wonderful it is easy to understand what is happening. It would seem to be a rough and unfair story, from the viewpoint of the young woman, but as the movie progresses, there is a softening of the feelings of the trapper, and an understanding from the young woman. There is one scene in an Indian cemetery which is quite an eye-opener for most people brought up in a western culture. After the first viewing, I heard nothing more about this movie for 30 years, then it appeared on TV one Sunday afternoon, and was promptly taped by me! The theme song actually stuck in my head all those years, words and all. This movie certainly made a big impression on me, even though it was not, and still is not, my favorite genre.

To all you movie buffs out there, if you get the opportunity to see this movie, DO IT! Believe me, you won't be disappointed.
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