I First Saw This As A Child Many Years Ago ....
18 August 2003
.... And wasn`t all that impressed with it then but decided to give it another chance by watching it again at the weekend . I must say I was very very impressed with the first ten minutes of THE SHUTTERED ROOM as it insinuates that many blonde bimbos will happily marry a man old enough to be her father , man you don`t know how happy for the future that made this 36 year old film critic who`s got thinning hair , but alas the film`s flaws cancelled out my initial optimism .

First criticism is the film`s score . I know jazz was fashionable and funky in 1967 but it really doesn`t belong in a horror movie especially when it jumps out and beats ( Geddit ? ) you close to death with its intrusiveness . Secondly it`s painfully obvious that despite being set in New England it`s actually filmed in old England by the way the familair Brit actors speak in totally false accents . In fact the cast put so much effort into their crap American accents that none of them manage a half way decent performance . Thirdly the dialogue is laughably bad . When told his neice is outside one character asks " Is she beautiful " ! What ? , you`re telling me male residents of this town are only interested in meeting long lost female relatives if they`re beautiful !, no wonder Suzanne was sent away as a child , a fact that`s spelled out every five minutes with lines like " I can hardly remember this place before I was sent away as a child " and " I remember you before you were sent away as a child "

On top of all this THE SHUTTERED ROOM is just not scary . It`s been said that HP Lovecraft adaptations never make for good films and this is true . It`s also true blonde bimbos will only marry a man old enough to be their father if he`s got a big car so I`ll have to invest in some driving lessons
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