Why doesn't the IMDb offer a 0 rating?
26 September 2004
This movie is bad. Really, really bad. It's just stupid. What on earth was this film meant to be?

Basically it's a collection of short films (some are 20minutes, others 5, this movie is inconsistent like that, you see?) that have nothing in common and have no reason for even being made.

Take for instance the first one. It involves an old man becoming a Beatnik-kidnapper just so he can cut their hair! Another one involves actors participating in a stage play. Another has a royal (where from? why is she there? i dunno. I was kind of dozing off) visiting (i think) a fictional African nation to give a speech. This one is particularly annoying because it was made extremely cheap. For example, when the royal gets off the plane to a wave of cameras and people (reminiscent of La Dolce Vita - a much better film) but instead of showing these photographers being played by actors instead we see small animated sequences. When she goes to shake a government officials hand it cuts to an animated character reaching out. and et cetera.

It is as stupid as it sounds.

And from there it gets even worse. A segment involving a nanny yelling at a group of kids because comic books are EVIL!!! Or something to that effect.

Oy, this was a major slog to sit through. Just boring, stupid and ill-conceived.

And, why doesn't the IMDb offer a 0 rating?
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