You have got to be kidding me.
10 August 1999
It's only fitting that this movie ended up as the last movie of Mystery Science Theater 3000's run. This movie was absolutely ridiculous!

From the nausea-inducing opening scenes of constantly spinning credits, to the "woo woo" music of the film, this was truly more of a laughable amusement than an actual movie. I'm sorry, but I just don't get the people who say that the score in this movie is amazing. It's monotonous and trying on the patience, and was just plain awful. The main villain was a weak character cut out of the same mold as countless other villains, and as an anti-hero, Diabolik did little to impress me. Diabolik's lair was elaborate if a bit excessive, and Diabolik's girl was attractive window-dressing for this film. That's about the only positive thing I can say about the movie. I have to agree with Mike and the 'bots on the ending scene: I don't think Diabolik was in a position to be laughing. He really didn't come out that far ahead.

Keep your "fanciful and wonderful" spy movies if this is what it means. I'd rather watch James Bond movies any day. Even the bad ones were better than this. If this was made for the purpose of being cheesy, then it served its purpose well. Worth a watch if only to laugh at it.
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