David Frost Presents: How to Irritate People (1969)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Monty Python - The Early Years
25 July 1999
The core of the group was there: Cleese, Palin, and Chapman.

It's a series of sketches designed as an instructional programme in which Cleese brings the audience through Beginning Irritating People Techniques (interrupting someone's television watching to find out what they want for dinner. And do they want peas or lima beans with that. And what do they want to drink with that. Oh, so sorry, we're out of that, we have (list of beverages with explanations about quality of said beverages)), followed by Intermediate Irritating People Techniques (telling someone who's just brought his car for the fourth time in for repair that everything is fine and refusing to look at it to make sure) and Advanced Irritating People Techniques (hinting around endlessly about how one is without transportation instead actually asking for what one wants in the first place, a ride home).

It's funny. It's very funny. Because you see other people using Advanced Irritating People Techniques and you just have to laugh because they don't even realize that they're using an Advanced Irritating People Technique. Almost all the way through the video you're thinking about people that you know personally who are experts at the Irritating People Technique being illustrated. And then you might realize that you yourself might do some of these things...
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