The True Story Of A True Tough Guy! (Spoilers Included)
23 May 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the story of an oriental man who was officially known as "Tough Guy" by his friends, family, foes and others in surrounding cities. This guy wasn't just tough....he lived toughness. When he was 3 he was attacked by a pack of wild dogs but survived. At the age of 6 "tough guy" got into a brutal fight with a school bully twice his age and size and creamed him. The movie then moves to "tough guy's" teen years as he goes to the dentist to get 4 cavities filled and has them drilled without any drugs to eradicate the pain. He doesn't like pain but yet he doesn't mind it because he can take any kind of it. This is proven when he is shot by a thief during a holdup in a supermarket and still has the strength to attack the robber, taking his gun and shooting him dead. He was not superhuman...he was just a tough guy. The rest of the movie follows "tough guy" through young adulthood and middle-age as he battles and beats cancer and recovers completely from a fire in which he suffered third degree burns on his entire backside.

Never defeated by anything, "tough guy" died in his sleep a very old man of 97 and he was still tough at that age because he was forced to eat cockroaches when he was left for dead by bandits at age 94. He liked the taste of cockroaches and the final scene shows him eating a plate full of cockroaches he attracted with spoiled food and going to sleep...forever.

A hard movie to find but a great one. See it.
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