An enjoyable adventure
15 March 2004
Although I haven't seen The Johnstown Monster for several years now, I remember it very well.

A group of local children decide to make a fake lake monster to attract more tourists to the area, making them think it is the real thing. But one American, who does not believe in the legend, does all he can to prove it is a fake and achieves this at the end by shooting it and it deflates. He is then confronted by the real monster just after.

The cast is mostly made up of unknowns, although Michael Goodliffe (The Day The Earth Caught Fire) is in it.

Unfortunately, this movie isn't available on video or DVD anywhere and have to rely on it coming on TV, but it hasn't been screened for several years now.

I rather enjoyed watching this movie and is worth looking out for.

Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
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