Nightmare and dream prophecy. Badly scarred Marot murdering victims with acid.
17 September 1998
This is one of my favourite movies. I loved Herbert Lom and Michael Dunn. From my research on this movie, it was supposed to have a twist in the ending, but it was "badly edited" and good elements of the story were lost. (I am familiar with Henry Slesar's writings and his stories are excellent and unpredictable.) I have been looking for the "unedited" screenplay for over 10 years now, so if anyone knows where to find it or what the missing elements of the story are... I would love to see this movie unedited!

Even edited, this movie is worth watching. Herbert Lom does an excellent job in this role. No "Phantom" has been able to match him.

Story summary: Madeline (Christine Kauffman) , a horror actress, is haunted by nightmares of an axeman. (Her mother was brutally murdered with an axe 12 years earlier.) A badly scarred actor, Rene Marot (Herbert Lom), who was in love with her mother comes back from the "dead" and murders former members of the acting troup with acid. What do these nightmares have to do with these murders? Who is this scarred actor and why is he committing these murders? Who killed Madeline's mother? Watch the movie and find out!
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