We Three Kings of Orient Are
9 May 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film for children and adults alike, a warming family film which sends a message of compassion and hope. Mr Blunden(Laurence Naismith) is the benevolent, kindly guardian of the children Jamie and Lucy who sets out to right a wrong from 100 years ago. Because of Mr. Blunden's insensitivity and unwilingness to listen, two children and a gardener who tried to save them die in a fire started by the wicked Mrs Wickens (Diana Dors). The children (the ghosts) get Jamie and Lucy to drink a magic potion which sends them back in time to try to change what has already happened. Mr Blunden has been a tortured soul for 100 years as he ignored the pleas of the children who told him that Mrs Wickens was out to poison them, so she could get their inheritance for her beloved Bella who married the financially impoverished Bertie, who doesn't have a pot to pee in. Bella (Madeline Smith) is the childlike daughter of Mrs Wickens who can see ghosts as she only has the mind of a child but the body of a buxom wench. Mr Blunden saves the day by guiding Jamie and Lucy through the flames to save the children from the fire and changing history in the process. We get the happy ending we hope for, with everyone living happily ever after and Mr Blunden's gravestone reads "The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep". This will bring a lump to your throat. This film has been criticised for being muddled but all you need is a rich imagination to appreciate this film. Some wonderful performances from the cream of English acting talent: Diana Dors, Laurence Naismith and the beau of the ball, ex playmate of the year Madeline Smith. Enjoy!
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