The Devil's Daughter (1973 TV Movie)
Creepy Shelley Winters!
7 April 2004
From 1973 and obviously ROSEMARY'S BABY inspired,this has a great cast:Shelley Winters,Belinda Montgomery,Robert Foxworth,Joseph Cotton,and Jonathan"Barnabas"Frid as a mute butler.The 70s tv devil movies are all creepy.Very eerie in atmosphere with a young and pretty Diane attending her mother's funeral where she meets a very friendly Lillith who offers the girl a place when she lears Diane has nowhere to go.Unknown to Diane was that her mother used to be in a satanic cult with Lillith and her daughter was wanted by the cult.Diane discovers the truth,but,of course,too late.With a great spooky ending you'll never forget,TDDD is a neat little slice of tv horror.
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