tasteless, not flavourless.
17 May 2003
a such movie belongs to a genre that is not registred by the internet movie database, and this genre is called "franchouillard" : sometimes good actors, a few good lines, perhaps one ore two ideas, not more. The directing is not very good, the script either, the editing is a disaster and all seams very cheap (we have here even some special effects... Let's just warn : this is not Matrix). -- The storyline is awfull : living in a "ghetto" near Paris, a dame called "the princess" uses to kill people and to put them in a machine that plays some Samba music while it puts appart clothes, flesh, bones... bweuarkfff. Bad taste, hum. The princess sells her bones to the catholic church who uses it as relics. One day, a high-range ecclesiastic asks the murderer to come back with a relic of Jesus. With her gang, she looks for somebody that looks like Jesus. One day, a hippie comes in the camp, he looks like Jesus, and that's not all, he seems to be Jesus for real... -- Michel Audiard did the dialogs of brilliant movies from George Lautner : "Les Barbouzes", "Les Tontons flingueurs", "Ne nous fâchons pas". Alone as a director, he has not always been brilliant : this movie, actually, is not a very good one, even if the cast is quite funny (Darry Cowl, Bernard Blier, André Pousse, Michel Galabru,...). Better to see "Comment réussir... quand on est con et pleurnichard" (How to Make Good When One Is a Jerk and a Crybaby), Audiard's masterpiece I guess.
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