A kinder, gentler "Mark"
27 May 1999
Warning: Spoilers
O.K. This movie fits everything that people fear of sequels. The director is not the same, there is little connection to the story of "Mark of the Devil", and Reggie Nalder is the only link, however, Reggie's character is not the same (similar, but not the same). It's O.K. if you get into torture movies, but the torture scenes are nowhere near as harsh or as "fun" as in "Mark of the Devil". In comparison, this film is rather boring and just downright mean towards women. The first, original film is, at least by my standards, a b-movie classic, but this chapter is just another sequel that is less violent. Only fans will like this. SPOILER TORTURE SCENES: Do not read further if you want to be surprised! A man is dunked via a pulley system into freezing waters in an iced over lake. A naked woman is strung up spread-eagled and lowered onto a giant thick spear in a very vulgar fashion. A priest gets his foot put into a sizzling hot iron boot. A nun gets a 10 inch needle shoved up through her fore-arm. Also, lots of Spanish boot scenes, floggings, and a nasty rape scene.
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