One of the greatest movies of all time
25 June 2002
I would rate this as one of the top ten greatest American movies of all time. Why? Because you will never find another movie which even approaches it in: (1) accuracy; (2) acting; (3) music; (4) mood; (5) humor; (6) photography; (7) dialogue; (8) direction; (9) sound; (10) subtlety; (11) cars. I grew up in that time. From the movie, everyone remembers the outrageous cop car axle breaking scene, or the liquor store holdup, or the climactic drag race, but I think of the subtly beautiful and razor sharp authenticity and naturalism of the scene of Curt and his old girl friend talking in the back seat of the car. The easy familiarity of Kurt and the two men in the back room of the arcade. John Milner and Carol strolling through the junk yard. The older girl at Mel's diner who likes the Ron Howard character. The teacher and female student standing so closely together in the darkened school hallway. The pain and anguish of Terry. The conversation between Milner and his buddy and girlfriend at the drive-in. Kurt sitting atop a car watching TV, and the blurred gray shapes which appear around him, which turn out to be the Pharoahs circling him like sharks. The liquor store proprietor. You could go on and on and on. This movie is so much more significant than your typical "teen" movie.

Lucas has created a masterpiece for the ages. A truly unique time portrait taken on one summer evening during an innocent era in the history of a great country.
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