Lost Horizon (1973)
Mystery Science Theater, where are you when we need you?
18 June 2004
Utterly devoid of any saving grace, it might be watchable if one had just the right mix of drugs or alcohol to appreciate the (very unintentional) humor.

A gigantic waste of several stellar talents, when I first saw it in the theater, most of us were laughing too hard to really hear the music, which (I realize after seeing it on TV) was truly a blessing. Words fail me in describing the true horror of this THING that virtually killed the musical as an art form. Several friends tried getting really stoned before watching it, but even that didn't work. One of them held a symbolic burning of the video tape and invited her friends.

The embarrassing poverty of the music and dance was exceeded only by the inappropriateness of both of them, both in substance and timing. I can only sympathize with those that were desperate to leave this saccharine Hell

In some yin-and-yang karmic balance, I can only conclude that the brilliance of Peter Finch in NETWORK simply had to be somehow offset by featuring him in the most unspeakably bad and embarrassing role of anyone's career. It was worth the trade, artistically, but surely we need some sort of legislation whereby the tiny minority of people who weren't grossly horrified by this flash-frozen turkey could somehow be forcibly sterilized. PLEASE !! For the sake of our gene pool..
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