One of the best movies of the 70s.......
24 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoiler I read some of the comments registered here on The Way We Were and felt I needed to add my comments.

First of all, I think a lot of people are viewing this movie through politically correct, 21st century eyes.

Comments have been made about Redford's character "abandoning" his kid after he splits with Streisand's character at the end of the movie. However, the movie implies that Streisand's character moves from California back to New York while Redford's character stays in sunny Hollywood. If this were the case, back in the 1940s it was not as common for people to hop on a plane going from coast to coast. It would not be uncommon at that time for a woman to remarry (which Streisand's character does) and have her new husband basically raise the kid. Especially if the natural father was (as in this case) across the other side of the country. Societal customs were much different than they are now concerning extended families and such.

The two sides of the country also represent the main characters. Sunny, beautiful, extroverted, physically inclined Hollywood (Redford) on the west coast and the grayer, more complex, intellectually inclined New York on the east coast (Streisand).

I'm also surprised at the comments regarding the characters motivations in finding the other attractive. I thought the movie made it very clear & believable. Both characters are acutely aware of their projected image to others and both characters feel trapped by these labels. This is something very significant that they share which bonds them. Redford's character chafes at his pretty boy image yet is at the same time uncomfortable in the role of writer. When his short story is read in class, he is visibly uncomfortable yet still wants the approval of his classmates. Redford's character wants to be strong yet have a vulnerable artistic side appreciated. So too is Streisand hampered by her image as an intellectual, wise cracking, thick skinned rebel. She, unconsciously perhaps, longs for a man to treat her gently, appreciate her as something more than a spokesperson, more as a unique person, a woman.

Each of the characters tentatively pin pricks the other's exterior reserve. Redford by trying to make Streisand smile, relax, not take life so seriously and Streisand by trying to make Redford feel respected and have his writing valued. Each receives from the other something most people won't give them. Streisand is made to feel beautiful and interesting and sexy and something more than just her political beliefs while Streisand lets Redford know that beneath the blond surfer boy looks she sees depth and integrity.

The movie also deals with culture clashes within society. Redford's character is the classic White Anglo Saxon Protestant upper class while Streisand the lower class ethnic, non-Christian. That they even consider forging a relationship between the two of them would have raised eyebrows at the time.

I'm surprised (though perhaps I missed it) that no one commented on two of the films most famous lines. In an argument near the end of the movie Redford & Streisand battle it out with Redford declaring that people are more important than principles with Streisand answering back that people are their principles.

I agree with many that this is one of the best movies to come out of Hollywood in the 1970s. I think both lead actors were perfectly cast and the period feeling of the WWII era is beautifully rendered.

There are many wonderful "moments" throughout the film. The scene where Redford is out in the ocean on a small sailboat with his good friend and the two are playing the "best ever" game. When the friend calls out the category as year and Redford starts identifying first one year then another then another as his best or favorite years the viewer knows without being told that the years he's listing are his years he's spent with Streisand. The camera records Redford's bittersweet face and pulls back, showing the friend on the boat silently witnessing his friend's pain, then the camera pulls back in a helicopter shot showing the boat being bounced on the waves. It's an extraordinarily poignant moment in film.

As mentioned in other reviews, the shots of Streisand brushing back Redford's hair off his forehead are sexy and intimate without being graphic.

Another moment I love is near the end of the film and Streisand says to Redford wouldn't it be wonderful if the two of them were old and they would have survived all of this. Again, with brilliantly written dialogue and performed by professionals the movie accomplishes much depth without resorting to histrionics.

I think it's a very romantic film along the lines of Casablanca and Gone With The Wind and Brief Encounter.

I say, rent the film, don't try to over analyze it, just relax on the couch either by yourself or with your partner and just enjoy an old fashioned story of boy meets girl, boy woos girl, boy loses girl in the end.
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