Ugly, repulsive "comedy" that lacks any witty imagination and insults our intelligence!
20 August 2000
A badly dated comedy police caper with Caan & Arkin as the two inept detectives trying to protect a known hood from being assassinated in order to give evidence and put some bigger hoods behind bars.

This film is a complete mess from start to finish: it tries to be funny but fails miserably. Instead of relying on intelligent humour it has to rely on cheap slapstick, repulsive gags and mundane noisy car chases.

The film doesn't paint a pretty picture for the San Franciso police department (or any police authority for that matter), especially if they have dullards like these two running around beating people up like they're mad fascists on a mission to seek out and destroy.

The appearance of James Caan is a huge disappointment for me, so soon after his pivotal performance in The Godfather, he then has to embarrass himself with the tacky little bauble.

Alan Arkin flounces around like a robot with a charisma bypass, or a St Bernard dog looking around in need of a good script. He is truly embarrassing here.

There is nothing inventive or remotely entertaining here, with the possible exception of the wonderful little cameo from Valeria Harper as Arkin's wife.

This film also shows its age in other ways apart from fashion and its dent-easy cars. The way they treat a transvestite is wholly unacceptable & tasteless, and I'm generally against PC in movies. But this film goes to far for the sake of a cheap gag.

Somehow the first five minutes of the film really sums this movie up: Caan & Arkin spend time scouring trash cans for evidence. Well I rather suspect they were also looking for a decent script or perhaps their movie contracts because I'm sure they must have been duped into agreeing to appear in the smelly pile of pants!

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