Blood will Recognise Blood (spoilers)
3 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This "conception of a super hit" follows the unlikely reunion of four siblings (two boys, two girls), three of whom were separated from their mother as small children as bandits attacked a village fair.

When we catch up with the characters, we find that one of the boys (who begged his mother for a toy monkey in the opening scene) is a ruthless smuggler, whose lair has a combination bubble-bath/dance floor, as well as a machine that can make his enemies into wax statues (think of Dr. Evil's conference table in the "Austin Powers" movies.) His brother is the police inspector destined to catch him. One sister is a schoolteacher (who sings a wonderful song with her children in a scene straight out of "The Sound of Music"), but her adoptive "parents" seek to exploit her for money. Innocent of murder, she is nonetheless blamed for it and winds up in jail.

The only sibling who remains with her mother after the bandit attack is Geeta, hence the title ("Geeta is my name.") Geeta is a tough, kung-fu fighting woman of the streets. When the children mistake her for her jailed twin sister, the plot begins to both thicken and unravel.

Geeta joins the smugglers by prostrating herself Carmen-style before Johny's right hand man and "pledges" her support for the smugglers with her hand over an open flame. All to get Johny and to clear her sister's name. But will love interfere with revenge? Can a bamboo construction scaffold withstand the force of a pointless but breathtaking kung-fu sequence? Will Johny keep his toy monkey with him during an extended pimp-slapping sequence long enough for the film's oft-sung prophecy "Blood will recognise blood" to come true? Will at least one out of four reunited siblings think to help their poor mother back into her wheelchair? See "Geeta Mera Naam" for the answers to these and other burning questions.
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