What a waste of time!
26 November 2001
I guess I am very much in the minority but I totally disappointed and disgusted with this film. I had a really good attitude when I put the tape in the other day having heard so many positive things about the movie over the years. It wasn't long into the movie that I started wondering when it was going to get good and the problem is, it never did. Just one dumb attempt at humor after another, nothing really connected, and almost none of it was very funny. A great deal of it was absurd and bizarre but nothing that really made me laugh at all (except maybe for the monks hitting themselves in the head with a board and the bit about the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch). I was left wondering just what the folks who did the movie were trying to accomplish and really couldn't figure it out. I will never waste my time with a Monty Python movie again.
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