Saturday Night Live (1975– )
The most amazing show, Jimmy Fallon is my lover
22 October 2001
This is comedy in it's purest form-it's raw, edgy, and it takes the happenings of modern America and smacks its face until it cries. Usually I'm crying from laughing so hard, however. This show, however, was at its best in the 1970s and early 1990s. Dana Carvey, Bill Murray, Jane Curtin, all of them are my comedy idols. The 2000-01 season, with Colin Quinn leaving (may his career rest in peace...sorry dude you were only funny as that guy from Ireland during the Cspan thing, update sucked with you), was, as someone else said, a renassciance period. The cast looked better, the quips were wittier, and, although some very prominent cast members that we loved are gone (CHERI!! MOLLY!!!! CHRIS!!!!!!!), this new season has already proved that the new generation of Saturday Night Live is alive and kickin'. Thank God that Ana and Will did not leave, they are amazing. Will Ferrell is the centerpiece with hilarious impressions (Jacob Silj, anyone?). And the weekend update is the funniest that it has been in years (thank you Colin) with the first duo in a long time, Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey. Speaking of Jimmy...he is my lover. That man is SO HOT! Plus he is insanely talented. Men who are funny and cute are so sexy. Okay, enough of my rambling. My fave sketches now are: Bahston Teens, Wake Up Wakefield, Weekend Update, Message from the President, and the Bloater Brothers (even though they can't do it anymore). SEE THIS SHOW IT ROCKS!
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