Slightly Confusing
3 May 2004
Wow . What could be worse than World War Three ? World War Four ? But according to some wise old Jew that`s only going to be fought with bows and arrows ? Oh I see " The Cold War is actually World War Three , but by calling The Cold War WW3 that`s cheating isn`t it ? Yes it is

And A BOY AND HIS DOG also cheats in more ways than one and is ultimately a confusing film . The story comes in three parts:

Part 1 ) Vic and his telepathic dog struggle for survival in a post apocalypse world

Part 2 ) Vic meets airhead blonde

Part 3 ) Vic and airhead blonde find a civilisation that isn`t all it appears to be

Oh and the film finishes on a grotesque joke that makes it more memorable than it possibly deserved to be , so you`ve got three themes , one of survival but is miles away from the convincing scenarios seen in the works of John Christopher and John Wyndham , one of trying to find a woman which does seem strange since Vic seems to be well nourished and I`d have thought many women would have no hesitation in prostituting them selves for food , and one of a utopian sanctury not being what it seems , something I`ve seen and read in a hundred different SF stories like the BLAKE`S 7 episode Powerplay .

I`m still trying to work out what plot line is the most important , it`s the joke at the end which is since the whole movie is built up to it . Oh and there`s a couple of other things that needed explaining like what is a " Screamer " and what is " The farm " ? I also couldn`t help noticing no one seems to have used nuclear weapons that cause radation sickness

At least one other commentator has mentioned that this is a movie that shouldn`t be taken seriously and with hindsight I can see what my mistake was - I took this film far too seriously and by the time I`d lightened up it was already too late which meant I couldn`t appreciate the funny scene where Vic is tied to the table .

A BOY AND HIS DOG isn`t the worst movie I`ve seen today but it`s probably a film that made an impression because it finishes far , far better than how it started and if you`ve never seen it and get the chance to then make sure you don`t take it at all seriously or you`ll be disappointed
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