Review of Mitchell

Mitchell (1975)
The pain. Dear God, the pain.
14 July 2003
My-my-my-my Mitchell, why did they make this film? As far as I know, it was indeed a theatrical release...and yet it plays like some mid-season episode of a tired old cop TV show. And from the eighth or ninth season at that, when the show is well past its prime and the lead is just picking up a paycheck. I won't add anything to the comments already on the site, discussing the illogical plot, the MST3K-vs-uncut versions, or the (ahem) appeal of Joe Don Baker as a leading man. I'll only add that any movie that disrespects its audience to such a degree as to rip off the climax of KEY LARGO virtually shot for shot (minus the suspense, of course) deserves all the sheer unadulterated hate it can get. -20,046/10.
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