Brinks: The Great Robbery (1976 TV Movie)
26 August 2003
My uncle Sid needed hernia surgery.The only folks capable of alleviating the danger pain and and anguish were WASPS who had been graduated from Dartmouth, Yale , Harvard , etc ere Johns Hopkins medical school. What the fxck was I to do. Everyone loved Sid for his benevolence, empathy and selflessnesss. He gave money and concern for those who were in their last terminal straits. So, he participated tangentially in the success of the brinks job and got paid. THOSE WITHOUT SIN MAY CAST THE FIRST STONE.It was with reluctance that we sought the blue=nose help of JOHN's Hopkins. These snobish dimwits didn't botch it and Sid was able to go on to humanitarian bank robberies that benefitted the most needy among us.Only in America.
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