...where...am I...is this...really..happening?
25 February 1999
Usually, I LOVE cheesy movies, but this movie is SO PAINFUL!!! It is so incredibly boring! They spend about 10 minutes fighting drug lords, and abot 75 minutes dancing! When they do speak, it's usually funny. The problem is, there's not that much dialogue to choose from! Maybe I was just tired when I watched this movie (which I own, by the way) I think I need to see it again. What am I saying!!??? Just to let you know my threshold for punishment, let me tell you that I've seen Manos: the Hands of Fate at least a dozen times! I've watched Disco Godfather once! Many people gave this movie good ratings, presumably because of its cheesy/cult qualities, but I had to give it a 1. At least Manos had a little better pacing. Maybe MST3K could save it for me. As it stands, this is quite possibly the most painfully boring movie I've ever seen! I will watch it again though, I'm a masochist!
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