Second Chance (1976)
Reconstructing a life
28 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
A woman is out of jail after 16 years of reclussion.She was convicted of assistance in the killing of a man: her boss in the bank where she worked. One day, this man: the director of the bank proposed her having a drink and he abused of her. The woman and her boyfriend killed the man accidentally and they became convicted. When she knew that her boyfriend committed suicide in jail, she made love with an unknown man until this moment for her with the ambition of having a baby: her unique leit-motiv in life since the reclussion. When she is out of jail, she gathered with her son: a teenager of 16 years. And they both together begin a new life. Her son seems to be delighted with his mother and searched for a new boyfriend for her: his history teacher in the highschool. A new happiness comes to the life of the woman. She got a good work, a brilliant son and a wonderful boyfriend.

Typical french film to report about the sexual pursuement in women with the typical french characters who never can't stop talking.

Anyway, a pleasant film to watch.
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