I highly recommend this flick.
10 June 2002
(this text is from an email i wrote immediately after watching the movie)

Wow Nate, I just watched a Jacky Chan movie called New Fist of Fury. This movie is the sequel to Bruce Lee's Chinese Connection (known in Asia as Fists of Fury, I think?)!

This is another one of those Jacky Chan movies that is not so funny at all. Actually the movie was downright depressing and infuriating. It's a great movie; it takes the Bruce Lee classic one step further. Just watching the Japanese disrespect and even kill the Chinese made me so upset during the whole time that I just started to lift weights and work out as an outlet for the hurt I felt.

It's hard watching racial discrimination on this scale... the setting here was Taiwan and the Japanese were in total control of the island. It's hard to believe but the prejudice in this movie was even worse than in the Chinese Connection. The treatment of Chinese in this movie was brutal, to say the least. Jacky Chan turned in another passionate, violent, un-humorous performance; the kind of which he is not known for nowadays.

I highly recommend this flick.

On another note, at the end of the DVD they had a bio of Chan and it said he moved to Australia at a very young age, and he studied martial arts there! I had no idea; I find that amazing.
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