Garbage But Entertaining Garbage
18 January 2004
***** SPOILERS *****

So if there's a hole in the ozone layer the increased levels of radation will cause animals of all ilks to attack humans . Hmmm . There is actually a hole in the ozone layer but I don't think even Greenpeace are claiming this will cause us to be attacked by fluffy animals and feathered friends

But DAY OF THE ANIMALS isn't really a film to take seriously and like THE SWARM it's a movie that mixes the disaster movie with the sci-fi genre with the exact same result - It's a bad movie but an entertaining one . The characters are one dimensional clichés , the former sports star , the young couple in love , the Jewish momma and of course the cruel capatilist which in this movie is played by Leslie Nielson in a straight role . Well I said a straight role but Nielson plays it in the same manner as he played his role in THE NAKED GUN trilogy , I mean check out his dialouge : " You're not in Hollywood now Mrs Beverly hills bitch , you'll get what what I give you and I'll take what I want " It goes without saying the death scenes here are like something that was written for THE NAKED GUN , I mean getting eaten by a grizzly bear ? That's like the bad guy in THE NAKED GUN getting attacked by a lion . I also believe it's impossible to impale someone on a walking stick

But this is a fun film despite the serious flaws . It's not a film you're going to watch over and over again but it's enjoyable for all the wrong reasons . My only real complaint is the very weak ending of having all the animals dying due to radation sickness thereby saving humanity
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