Review of Hempas bar

Hempas bar (1977)
Info about the location
5 October 1999
The film was mostly shot in the small town of Alingas about 5 Swedish miles from Gothenburg. I moved to this town in 1982 and the first time I saw the film on TV, it did not impress me very much. Some 4 years ago I met my present life companion and it turned out that she had been living for several years with the author Bo Andersson who was born in Alingsas. When I saw the film again the other day I must admit that it had improved considerably. It´s great fun to see the scenes when three motor bikes spin around the center of the town in the most "impossible" ways. Many of the houses thats in the film has been torn down or rebuilt since 1975 and it´s quite interesting to try and figure out where the different scenes was done. I have learned from my woman that the main character is pretty close to the author. The man responsible for the authentic "Bikers Cafe" is Carl Johan de Geer, now one of Swedens leading painters/artists.
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