30 June 2003
I mean, really crazy. There are things that are amazing, horribly stupid but still amazing.

The highlights are obviously all "Samuel L. Bronkovitz presents" features. "Catholic High School Girls in Trouble" segment; it's the first time I wasn't interested in women's breasts at all (Michael Douglas should try to watch it and solve his sexual over-activity problem). Then "A Fistful of Yen" and famous "even worse than Detroit" line (although I agree that this part was a bit too long). "That's Armageddon" was average, but "Cleopatra Schwartz" was awesome.

However, the problems are with the rest. The other segments do not seem so funny, and sometimes even boring eg. "The Courtroom", they look like a typical filler jokes.

Anyway, they don't make films like this today, in the age of political correctness.


There is a similar, though not as good as KFM, movie called "UHF". It's quite average, but has two amazing Samuel-L-Bronkovitz-like films: "Gandhi" and "Conan the Librarian". Give it a try.
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