The Manitou (1978)
So bad, it's GOOD!
15 July 2004
Cast of giants appears in this ridiculous mixture of the Exorcist, Godzilla, Little Big Man, and Leprechaun. There is nothing good in the movie at all, except that it is so stinking bad. The greasy little monster that crawls out of Susan Strasberg's back is a powerful shrimp (shrunken and disfigured because of the multiple X-Rays done when trying to figure out what was going on with this goiter gone bad). This evil manitou means to destroy the world. It is a native American Monster, and therefore, only a Native American medicine man can stop it. Chief Bromden from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is willing to take on the challenge.

I saw this movie with a friend of mine about 20 years ago and we still laugh about it. I also saw "Ordinary People" about the same time. It won the academy award for best picture and is a good movie. I can hardly remember the movie now.

There is a place for bad movies. I give this a ranking of 2 out of ten because of the fact that it offers a lot of unintentional laughs. Otherwise it would definitely be a zero. It's not "Plan Nine From Outer Space," or "Robot Monster," but it isn't bad for a horrible, but memorable poor flick.
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