27 August 1999
This movie was forbidden here to be shown on TV, and it still is, I think. A friend of mine bought it in UK, and we watched it together. And in the end, we were like, i'm going vomiting. So that's a real Leni Riefenstahl movie. Do you know her? Well, she directed the most influencing&greatest movies...for HITLER, for NAZISM. And this movie is that:A well-directed, good-played movie, but what it gives is, um, MEAN&CRUEL&WRONG ideas about us, the Turkish People. Like all of us are sadistic or something... Plus, before that movie, I had watched the incredibly great 'SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION', and didn't get any racist ideas about Americans at all. So, if you wanna see a real movie, with real things&a real story, then go and rent SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION immediately, and forget about the movie which is our case here. But if you already know some of us(TURKS), and have the RIGHT opinions, then see Midnight Express, and don't get influenced at all.
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