Monkey (1978–2004)
The most consistently entertaining show of my childhood
5 November 2002
Ok I will admit, I only know the dubbed version. But by all accounts the English language track was pretty much in the spirit of the original Japanese show.

Based on one of my favorite books (which I read first when I was 15 in memory of this show) "Saiyuki", or "Monkey!" as it was know in England tells the story of a Buddhist Monk: Tripitaka (an authentic historical character)who travels to India to collect Buddhist scriptures. Though to be honest thats all incidental, the important thing is Tripitaka's companions: Monkey, the Great Sage Equal of Heaven, a creature born from a stone egg (don't ask, those wacky Chinese eh). Sandy, a former lake monster, and Pigsy, a pig demon.

Basically, in their travels they meet up with various monsters and evil doers and beat the living daylights out of them. Thats about it. There is even some philosophy amongst the slapstick and cool as hell, if incredibly cheap, visual effects.

People of England you are fortunate because this series is available on Video in Blighty, not just the episodes shown but every episode made. I'm not sure about the rest of the world, if it's available in any form in America I'll be getting it now I've moved here, but sadly I doubt it.

Like I said, a gem of a show, find a way to view it if you can, you won't be disappointed.

Oh and the theme tune by Godeigo rocks! (the end credit song most certainly does not).
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