Review of 10

10 (1979)
It's a shame "10" isnt a 10 out of 10
14 March 2002
I remember when this film was first shown on TV about 17 years ago and the kids at my school saying how good this was and in graphic detail how the sex scenes panned out. I was never allowed to watch this and it is not until now that i have got the chance to see it and my over riding thought is,Boy do kids exagerate!. This film is decribed in the listings as a sex comedy yet i found "10" lacking in both of those ingredients. While at times this has it's funny moments thanks to Dudley Moore , they are few and far between and as for the sex part well i have seen more sex in a Charlie Chaplin movie! In a way this film is quite depressing , Dudley Moore slowly drinks himself to death (a bit like real life)while moaning that he is too old, yet he manages to pull the beautifull Bo Derek after following her and her new husband all the way to Mexico. yet when gets her into bed he moans that she is cheating on her Husband and walks out! You Fool! The most depressing thing that happens is that poor old Dud ends up with his old Flame julie Andrews who to me ,is as sexy as most people's grandmother, even when she was 18. Over all "10" has it moments but it is far too long and far too depressing. 5 out of 10
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