Not one of the better holiday specials
9 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers

This special cannot seem to make up it mind as to which holiday it is supposed to geared to. The main focus is on Christmas and the 4 of July idea seems to come out of left field. Also Rankin/Bass reuse the mailman character from "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town" creating tons of confusion if you had seen the previous special. Adding to the confusion is that the Rankin/Bass claymation Christmas specials up to this point could be woven into a kind of continuity: "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town" , then "Year Without a Santa Claus", followed by "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", and finally "Rudolph's Shiny New Year."

This doesn't fit into ANY of that and in fact contradicts some ideas in those specials.

The biggest problem though is the villain Winterbolt. In contrast to other Rankin/ Bass villains (preredemption Winter Warlock for example) he doesn't look the part. Furthermore when Lady Boreal imprisons him for being 'evil' it not exactly detailed on what he was doing that warranted such treatment (This also ignores the Winter Warlock presented in the 1970 Rankin/Bass "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town" which delt with Santa's origin.)

When Lady Boreal power weakens and Winterbolt wakes up he learns of Santa Claus' existence and decides to rule the world by taking Santa's place. This is where Winterbolt's second problem comes up; he can't seem to make decisions on his own and as a result continually asks his Snow Genie for advice. It is in following this advice that Winterbolt does his 'evil'. As a result Winterbolt comes of as a pathetic pawn of the Snow Genie rather than the strong willed villain he is supposed to be and certainly not deserving of the fate he has at the end of the film.
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