Depressing Slice of Life
21 January 2000
Interesting film of a depressing topic. A troupe of wrestlers, mostly unattractive women, travel from small town to small town earning peanuts. This is not the major leagues as seen on TV today. In some regards, the film is realistic, but not when they feature matches presented as legit (wrestling slang for real). Therefore, if they are going to backslide on reality, how about casting the lead as a sexy lady wrestler. Wouldn't improve the movie any, but would make me be more inclined to watch this film again. The film "Unholy Rollers" is a comparable film (not as depressing) and did feature a sexy leading lady. I am unsure as to the extent of the popularity of wrestling when this film was released in 1980. This film was not popular at all and is rarely seen, then and now. I gave it a 4 (on a 10 scale).
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