Bond at his Best with magnificent girl
22 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoilers but wont reveal anything very important.

Now im not saying Moore was the perfect Bond but in this picture he put in a performance that could match any other(including any Connery one). By far the very best of Moore and what I consider the best of Bond. The film,(and im very thankful for this)steers away from the ridiculous plot-lines that were found elsewhere in the series such as in "Moonraker" and "The Spy Who Loved Me" and got down to,what could be considered as, a realistic or believable story with proper espionage situations, action and characters not seen since the likes of "From Russia With Love".

The action is exhilarating without being over the top. The climb up the cliff-face was on the edge of your seat stuff and the ski-chase was ingeniously executed that has you willing Bond down the mountain throughout. Moore plays Bond magnificently and can actually be seen to be angry enough to push Locques'(a villain who has a great mix of evil with subtleness)car over the cliff-top. A very memorable and credible performance despite clearly aging in the role. Julian Glover puts in a great effort to make his character reasonably interesting(and pulls it off as well as anybody could)and it is a refreshing change to see a villain that is not after world domination or destruction. Meanwhile Topol plays Columbo with near perfection. Neither seems to attempt overplaying their part with memorable one-liners. However Lynn-Holly Johnsons' character, Bibi, may become a tad annoying after a while but does bring a little more humour into the film(not that it needed it)with obvious moves made on Bond and his awkward reaction to them.

By far the best thing for me in the film was the introduction of Carole Bouquet as Melina Havelock. In my opinion she is easily the best bond girl that can be seen anywhere in the series. She has the beautiful looks, great body, gorgeous eyes and the most seductive voice(like at the end when she says to Bond,as her gown falls, "For your eyes only darling"-I was just so jealous of Moore at that moment), but can't be seen as another blond bimbo as seen in previous Bonds as she can also act too!. She plays the part of the "greek elektra" wonderfully,and she can`t half use a bow-and-arrow as well! Many bond girls have been seen in plenty of other work after their appearances but I think it is a great shame we dont see more of Bouquet,shes a great actress and a feast for any mans eyes even now at 44.If Bond 20 has a bond girl that puts in a performance or looks half as good as she does,we're in for one great film!I loved watching this movie and could quite easily watch it time and time again.I recommend it to anyone who wants to see a true bond film that is believable and down to earth.

A very much unappreciated Bond that offers plenty and delivers an abundance of everything.

Moore-9.9/10, Villain-8/10, Bouquet/Girl-10/10 easily, overall 10/10 if just to watch Melina do her stuff!
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