18 September 1999
I rented this only because Marilyn Burns was in it, and I am a huge fan of hers and of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre," where she played her most famous role of Sally, the terror-stricken heroine. I had seen her in "Eaten Alive," Tobe Hooper's follow-up to TCM, and she was great in that. And I wondered if she would keep that same style of acting in this. (If you've seen her in those two movies, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.)

What a surprise, she played an extremely timid role, and it was interesting to see her acting in such a contemporary manner. She plays Nora Dennis, a social worker of some sorts who checks on these two children every month. The children are these two little psychic kids whose father was killed by roadhogs. They bring him back through "the Power" to exact revenge, and thus he does, in a very boring manner.

The other part of the movie is Nora meeting and becoming involved with this cop who is investigating some on what's going on in the movie. Burns plays the role well, but I've seen her do better, and she never actually gets to pull off that Sally-like performance that made her first two roles so memorable. In fact, this film in a whole is quite timid, and pretty boring. There is no blood whatsoever (not that I'm a gorehound, but some would be okay.) It's a weak movie, and I can't recommend it much. But fans of Burns might be interested in seeing her in this film.
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