Total Classic
23 June 2000
My local multiplex showed this recently in a "classic season". I have seen this many times on TV and video, but never on the big screen and I can honestly say that everyone should try and see it at a cinema.

Watching an original print, which is 19 years old at this point and just one year younger than me!, was stunning. I noticed stuff that I had somehow never seen before, like german writing graffiting part of the map room, and the strange plane in the background when Sala is lowering Indy into the map room.

These little things made seeing such an all time classic film for the umpteenth time amazing. The packed laughed at Indy shooting the swordsman, even though we all must have seen it thousands of times between us. This shows the sheer brillance of the film. You can watch it again and again, but it STILL entertains you.

As a friend said when we left the cinema to the strains of John Williams, "They just don't make films like that"
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