Review of S.O.B.

S.O.B. (1981)
Funny, moving, wicked and Julie Andrews flashin' and cussin'
30 July 1999
ONLY ONE MOVIE gives us the best all time performances from Richard Mulligan, Robert Webber and Loretta Swit, coupled with over-the-top turns by Julie Andrews, Robert Vaughn, William Holden and the amazing Robert Preston as Dr. Finegarten. ("Madam, a shyster is an unethical lawyer! *I* am a *QUACK*!")

Blake Edwards has been a huge success despite, not because of, the Hollywood system. In S.O.B. he throws it right in their faces, making an "A" movie filled with "A" stars that attacks, slices, dices, grinds up and flushes the moviemaking establishment.

Oh, this is a wicked, wicked film. Sam Goldwyn and the other old moguls would have sent a hit man after Edwards.

The performances and the story are too intense to describe piecemeal. This is the undefeated world champion dissection of Hollywood.

And FUNNY! What a HOWL! And Julie Andrews, what a TROUPER!
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