Blue Money (1985 TV Movie)
Fun & Charming
2 August 2000
This is a truly great and fun movie. I found an old copy of it in my local video store, and rented it twice!! Thanks to a fellow Tim Curry fan, I now own a copy as broadcast on the CBC network.

I'm a huge Tim Curry fan, and I love all his work. But.. I will admit that this movie is hands down the best work he's done. "Rocky Horror" was great, yes. But "Blue Money" shows off his versatility much more. I laughed, I drooled at Tim's beauty, and had a ton of fun.

We see Tim singing, dancing, doing impressions, dressing in drag (once again!), and he finally doesn't play a bad guy. Larry's no angel, but you'll love him anyway.

If you see this for rent, or in a bargain bin at a flea market or video store...BUY IT!! You'll never regret it, and own a fun movie too.
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