Coming Out of the Ice (1982 TV Movie)
Interesting historical account of an American surviving incarceration in the U.S.S.R.
17 September 2000
In the 1920s Victor Herman left the United States with his parents who went to the U.S.S.R. with other Americans to build an automobile factory there. They were part of an idealistic socialist group who thought that the Soviet Union would be a better place for working class people.

Herman had athletic prowess in track and field, and the Soviet authorities wanted him to represent them in world competition. At first he consented, but later demurred when their demands on him became onerous. He asked to leave the country, but of course, back then, departure equaled treason, and they sent him to a remote prison camp. This film depicts the story of his survival. It's a good account of forgotten Americans from a forgotten period.
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