A realistic romance, subtle not slow.
11 September 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Did you ever hear little girls dream out loud, "When I grow up I'm going to marry a man like...."? Well young Kate's ideal man is her older uncle Douglas, an accomplished physician and world traveller, a charming and humbly commanding figure filled out well by Sean Connery. But like returning to a large room in which she was small, Ms. Brantley's character can now see that her uncle is also aging, balding, lonely and lecherous when she succumbs to going away with him on a short holiday to the alps, pretending to be his wife. She is trying to make real her little girls' dream. It is appropriate and true that their romance doesn't quite work out.

The theme is lovers separated by time; as wonderfully illustrated by the metaphor of the bridegroom trapped for forty years, ageless in a glacier, while his bride waits for him. Only the spirit of the lovers can remain perfect and beyond time. This, like all actions in the story, the camera lets the viewer discover for him/herself. The alpine scenery is superb. No car chases.
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