Armored Trooper VOTOMS (1983–1984)
Undiscovered Anime
11 June 2002
I call this an "undiscovered anime" because I have yet to talk to anyone who's seen it. This is really quite a good show! Ryosuke Takahashi really does a wonderful job on most every aspect here. The storyline itself is engaging. Intricate political machinations form the back drop, and they're bigger than any of the characters, who seem swept along by cruel currents beyond their control. Some viewers may well relate to Chiriko's plight as a man out of place in the world, hunted, haunted, and longing for something he doesn't understand. The animation is limited, but not at all bad considering the time it was made. The background score was, at least to my ears, very unique and appealing. Plus, the mecha of VOTOMS are easily the most beleivable in all of anime, rivaled only by those of Gasaraki, which is incidently also conceived and directed by Ryosuke Takahashi.
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