One of the 3 best in the series
13 March 1999
Of all the movies in this series (currently 8), this is one of the three best. It is at least an average and a very watchable film (unlike some of the movies in the series which have parts that are like pulling teeth). While the effects aren't great on tape (ie no 3D and not a bunch of other stuff), the movie at least has an interesting story (including a paranomal investigator (who is just plain stupid;ok so he has to confront the demon, but does he have to do this by being sucked down the well?). It also has Meg Ryan (in a role that is not totally explained (a family friend I guess). And best of all it adds closure to the series. If The Amityville Horror, II:The Possesion, and 3D were the entire series, then it wouldn't be all bad (especially if the ending to II was edited out). Of course (the demon/well has to send a fly out to spread the evil (and thus continue the series). Maybe they should re-release the 3D version.
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