Girls of the White Orchid (1983 TV Movie)
Jennifer jason lee surprised me with this one.
24 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I admit I rented this purely because the above named actress was in it so I felt it must be good. While I did not know this was based on a true story until I found IMDb, that doesn't change the fact that the movie was of low caliber even though it gives the story in general an extra dose of heartbreak.

Let me start with the positves. Good acting. Well what else to expect from Ms Lee? She is a top quality actress and she gives it her all here. Actually everyone was believable. The movie was a bit frightening at points in its believability.

But the negatives outweigh the positives. here's the problem.This was WAY to movie of the weekish.(which maybe it was-I had thought it was a straight to video movie until I read otherwise on here.) But the movie makers had the ingredients to make a good picture-sad, realistic subject matter, and one of the most talented actresses of our generation. Unfortunately that didn't happen.Instead, we get a picture that seemed at times almost exploitative. When I rented it I had no idea how much nudity there was and it seemed to me a lot of things were done for shock value. This just reminded me of those late night b movies that run when most people are asleep and don't know their on. Knowing now that this was based on a true story it seems, even more so, that stronger material could have been developed so the acotrs/actresses would have had more to work with. I admit I rented it based on the fact that Jennifer was in it. But I expected more quality and there should have been more. I would unfortunately not give this more then a 3 or 4 out of 10-though higher for the acting. It's to Jennifer's credit that even in a weak picture she still steals the show.
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