Review of Mutant

Mutant (1984)
Toxic waste of time
11 March 2002
Take Dawn of the Dead, let the light hurt the eyes of the zombies so that all the action takes place in unsatisfying darkness, add stupid characters that keep putting themselves into unnecessary danger, and you have Night Shadows. I saw the movie under the title "Mutant" and for the most part regretted having rented the video. The movie, reminds me of Chud, except not as good (provided that you would even want to Chud good). Personally, I'm tired of "chemical waste makes monster" theme - so any movie with that focus has to be good to get my attention. This film is not good. Its not quite a total bomb either, it has some good scares, and one or two spots of worthy black humor. So after you've rented all the other good zombie-type movies, this one might be worth a look -- barely. Rated 3 on 1-10 scale
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