The Red Fury (1984)
Follows the classical mythological theme of life, death, resurrection.
17 August 2003
This is an excellent film for family viewing because it embodies the "old fashioned" values of honor, honesty, duty, fearlessness,and standing tall. It follows the mythological storyline of life, death and rebirth or resurrection. A young Indian boy sacrifices the thing he loves the most, his horse Fury, so new life may be born into the world, and in so doing he kills the prejudice surrounding him, opening the eyes and heart of his greatest enemy. I happened to attend the opening of this film in Salt Lake City. The theater was filled with children and their parents. There were not many dry eyes when the film was over. The film is slow paced like an old fashioned novel, but as you come to know and care for the characters you become a part of their story. There is one swear word in the film "s**t." It was added because the producers wanted a "PG" rate not a "G".
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