Dirty Pair (1985–1988)
The Dirty Pair is not what you think.
3 June 2002
Most people see the title Dirty Pair and think,"It's got to be some kind of cartoon porn." BZZZZZZZZZZZ! WRONG! If that's what you think you couldn't be further from the truth.

The Dirty Pair is a Japanese Animated series [Duh! like you couldn't tell that already.] about two WWWA [Worlds Work Welfare Association] trouble consultants code named "the Lovely Angels". They have never failed in a mission, however disaster seems to follow them every where at no fault of their own. This has given them a reputation know through out the galaxy, which knows them by another name "the Dirty Pair".

Kei is a firey red head with a hot temper and a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later. Yuri seems to be the brains of the two but tends to be a little more sensative [whiny is a better term for it]but together they are still a force to be dealt with. They have a Cat [Cat? He's as big as a tiger] named Mugi that can fly their ship and is their technical support team, He doesn't seem to get into combat very often.

But I recommend this series to any one that likes anime as much as I do.
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